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Resource 'Bravo 6 (Dark Theme)'
This is a modern Dark-/Night-Mode Design based on the new Invision Community 4.5 (and above) Theme. Lightweight, pure CSS, no additional graphics were used. 1.600+ Downloads and 5-star ratings only on the old Marketplace.
Resource 'Who was online (Hours)'
Nice little widget to show the members who have visited the forum in the last X hours. Features: - Number of hours adjustable - Select groups that can see the widget - Display "Most members online" - Show amount of members - Exclude groups from listing - Members can be sorted by last visit, group or name Furthermore you can choose in the settings if names or avatars (in two sizes) should be displayed.
Resource 'Advanced Welcome Header'
You like it old-school? Then this Welcome Header is for you! It combines the charm of old boards with the modern look of Invision Community 4.x and great features for your members and guests. You can show different info texts and buttons to registered users and visitors. The most important buttons are already available and can be enabled and disabled individually. You can also create an unlimited number of your own buttons! Of course, information about the account - such as the number...
Resource 'Mobile Menu'
Mobile first! This is not only Google's motto, more and more people are online with their smartphones these days. Therefore, it is very important to have a fast and easy navigation on your pages especially in the mobile view. Nothing is more annoying than having to open a sidebar first and then navigate to sub-items to get to where you want to look up something quickly. And that's where this plugin comes in. You can configure up to 10 buttons with whatever you want, they are always and...
Resource 'Hero Image'
This is a new version of my old Welcome Header plugin, but now as an application and with many more features! As there are ... Groups - Which user groups will see the image Themes - In which themes it will be displayed Pages - Display on request globally, on selected "Pages", or only above the forum. This system is quite extensible and can be extended to other applications like downloads, commerce and even third party applications if you don't want to have it everywhere automatically. Just...
Resource 'Extra Footer Links'
With this plugin you to add unlimited custom links to the footer of your site without having to manually place them in the templates of each theme. Optionally, these links can also be displayed in the mobile navigation.
Resource 'Back 2 Top'
New version of the good old Back To Top, but rewritten and with additional features, as there are ... Themechooser - You can now choose where the plugin is active, if themes already bring a similar feature. Icon selection - Choose from 5 "standard icons", or use a Font Awesome icon of your choice. Color, size, transparency and positioning are also freely selectable. Note: This is a whole new plugin, no upgrade of the old one.